Chasse, nature et observation

Piège Photographique

mardi 29 mai 2012

 Good morning everyone, here's the translation of a previous post about the cost of the photographic traps. A visitor asked me if I can give some prices, and as I answered him, I don't really know ow much cost the different traps.I do only know the prices of those from AGM TEC. If anyone can give me the prices of its competitors I would be glad to share them ^^

The company sells three different traps:
Naturacam: simple model, waterproof and shock-proof. The recording of pictures and videos : on a SD card. Cost: 291€ HT.

Naturacam GSM: same features, but linked to the Global System for Mobile communication, so it can send pictures by MMS or email. Cost: 485€ HT.

 Naturacam HD GSM: same features, plus the quality of the definition. A peerless quality of image, day and night, 12 mega pixels for photographs and 1440*1080 for videos. Cost: 576€ HT.

For more info about the different models, visit the website of AGM TEC, you can find the url on "A propos".

Again, sorry for my bad english, and have a nice day !


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